Does Trump have ‘complete power to pardon’ himself? We asked a legal expert. Posted: 24 Jul 2017 09:21 AM PDT Can the president pardon himself? In an interview with Yahoo News, law professor Brian Kalt explains the presidential pardon power, historical precedents and how a pardon could affect independent counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into the Trump campaign's ties to Russia.
Truck Driver Accused of Smuggling Immigrants Could Face the Death Penalty Posted: 24 Jul 2017 01:36 PM PDT At least 10 people in the truck have died
China opens movie theater on disputed South China Sea island Posted: 24 Jul 2017 01:41 AM PDT BEIJING (AP) — A look at recent developments in the South China Sea, where China is pitted against smaller neighbors in multiple disputes over islands, coral reefs and lagoons in waters crucial for global commerce and rich in fish and potential oil and gas reserves:
John Boehner says Republicans will 'never' repeal and replace Obamacare Posted: 25 Jul 2017 10:41 AM PDT Former Speaker of the House John Boehner has said that Republicans will "never" repeal and replace Obamacare. At a business gathering in Las Vegas, Mr Boehner said Americans have grown accustomed to the law passed in 2010 while he was the House's Republican leader. Mr Boehner's comments are a departure from Donald Trump's rhetoric saying "Obamacare is death".
Richard Dawkins hits back at cancellation of Berkeley event for 'abusive speech against Islam' Posted: 24 Jul 2017 04:29 PM PDT Richard Dawkinswants "a public apology" from a California radio station that cancelled an event with the scientist because of his "abusive speech against Islam". The influential academic and writer was scheduled to speak about his memoir A Brief Candle in the Dark at an event organised by Berkeley's KPFA Radio next month. But KPFA has now cancelled the talk, citing his "hurtful speech" against Islam. "We had booked this event based entirely on his excellent new book on science, when we didn't know he had offended and hurt – in his tweets and other comments on Islam – so many people," KPFA wrote in an email to ticket buyers. KPFA exercises its free speech right not to participate with anyone who uses hateful language against a community already under attack.— KPFA Radio (@kpfa) July 21, 2017 "KPFA does not endorse hurtful speech. While KPFA emphatically supports serious free speech, we do not support abusive speech. We apologise for not having had broader knowledge of Dawkins's views much earlier. We also apologise to all those inconvenienced by this cancellation." Residents had reportedly highlighted statements made by the evolutionary biologist and confirmed atheist, including a 2013 tweet saying "Islam is the greatest force for evil in the world today". @ToddKincannon I think Islam is the greatest force for evil in the world today. I've said so, often and loudly.What are you talking about?— Richard Dawkins (@RichardDawkins) March 1, 2013 Professor Dawkins responded to the radio station in an open letter published on his website, saying he had lived in Berkeley for two years and had appreciated KPFA's "objective reporting and humane commentary". "It was therefore a matter of personal sorrow to me to receive this morning your truly astonishing 'justification' for de-platforming me," he wrote. "You conspicuously did not quote a source when accusing me of 'abusive speech'. Why didn't you check your facts – or at least have the common courtesy to alert me – before summarily cancelling my event?" This is so stupid. Oh and by the way, my entire family is Muslim. Oh and Muslims aren't weak little children. They can hear other views.— Fouad (@fouadalnoor) July 22, 2017 Professor Dawkins said that he had "never used abusive speech against Islam", explaining that while he had previously called Islamism "vile", Islamism is not the same as Islam. "I have criticised the appalling misogyny and homophobia of Islam, I have criticised the murdering of apostates for no crime other than their disbelief. Far from attacking Muslims, I understand – as perhaps you do not – that Muslims themselves are the prime victims of the oppressive cruelties of Islamism, especially Muslim women," the author wrote. Dawkins 'not certain' God does not exist 01:31 Urging the radio station to find examples of the abusive speech, he added: "When you fail to discover any, I presume you will issue a public apology." Professor Dawkins' bestselling book about the study of evolution, The Selfish Gene, was named the most influential science book of all time last week by the Royal Society. Berkeley, historically known as the home of the Free Speech moment in the 1960s, has hit the headlines in recent months over the cancellations of other controversial speakers. An event for alt-right figure Milo Yiannopoulos was cancelled in February by the University of California after clashes involving far-left protesters, as was a speech by conservative pundit Ann Coulter.
Parents Of Florida Boys Lost At Sea Say Lawsuit Makes Them ‘Relive Nightmare’ Posted: 24 Jul 2017 08:42 AM PDT "Everyone will be forced to relive this horrible nightmare on a daily basis in order to defend this lawsuit and to prepare for trial."
This massive fish species was somehow only just discovered Posted: 24 Jul 2017 05:00 PM PDT 
Researchers regularly remind us that the world's oceans are still hiding some truly remarkable secrets, but when we imagine new species of ocean life it's usually tucked away in the crushing depths, or so tiny that we somehow didn't notice it up until now. An all-new species of ocean sunfish was just discovered that throws those expectations completely out of the window, weighing in at over two tons and making regular trips near the surface in order to keep warm, but it's a remarkable find nonetheless. Researchers led by Marianne Nyegaard of Australia's Murdoch University discovered the new sunfish species after looking closely at over 150 DNA samples from various sunfish. After matching three of the DNA samples with known species, the team realized that the fourth was completely new and undocumented. They subsequently nicknamed it the "hoodwinker sunfish" thanks to its ability to remain hidden for so long.  But despite having DNA samples that proved the presence of an unknown species, nobody knew exactly what it looked like. After hunting for a specimen that matched the DNA for a year, Nyegaard got a tip that four sunfish had washed up on a beach in New Zealand, and it was at that point that she finally found what she had been searching for. Like the other members of the ocean sunfish family, the new species — officially named Mola tecta — is absolutely huge. Its massive, disc-shaped body is punctuated by large fins on its top and bottom, and its bony structure pushes its weight over the two ton mark. The hoodwinker sunfish has since been spotted in several different places, including the waters off South Africa, Chile, Australia and New Zealand.
Fake Street Signs Warning of 'Easily Startled Police" Appear After Cop Shoots Minnesota Woman Posted: 24 Jul 2017 05:06 PM PDT Fake street signs appear after Minnesota cop fatally shot woman who reported hearing screams.
Kushner speaks after meeting Senate investigators: ‘I did not collude with Russia’ Posted: 24 Jul 2017 10:34 AM PDT In rare public remarks, President Trump's son-in-law and top White House adviser emerged from a closed door meeting with Senate investigators, saying he did nothing wrong.
Condemned killer arrives at death house ahead of execution Posted: 25 Jul 2017 11:07 AM PDT COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — A condemned killer in Ohio arrived at the death house a day ahead of his scheduled execution Wednesday with several requests for a delay pending before the U.S. Supreme Court.
Venezuela opposition urges boycott of vote to overhaul constitution Posted: 24 Jul 2017 09:29 PM PDT Venezuela's angry opposition is pushing for a boycott of an upcoming vote that it dismisses as a ploy by President Nicolas Maduro to cling to power. It all makes for a dramatic week in the opposition's dogged drive to unseat the socialist Maduro, whom it blames for an acute economic crisis marked by shortages of food, medicine and such basics as diapers, soap and toilet paper. The fight must move forward," said Freddy Guevara, the deputy speaker of the opposition-controlled congress.
What's the issue with metal detectors in Jerusalem? Posted: 24 Jul 2017 08:14 AM PDT By Miriam Berger JERUSALEM (Reuters) - For 10 days, Jerusalem has been in the grip of the worst bloodshed for years over Israel's decision to install metal detectors at the entrance to the Old City's holy compound. Some readers and observers have wondered how a simple matter of metal detectors - so common in so much of the world - could provoke such violence: a Palestinian man stabbed to death three members of an Israeli family in their home and three Palestinians have been shot dead by Israeli forces in clashes. WHY, WHERE AND WHEN WERE THE METAL DETECTORS INSTALLED?
Warrant in Minnesota police shooting says woman slapped squad car Posted: 25 Jul 2017 02:43 PM PDT The detail came in an application for a search warrant, made public Monday in court documents, from state investigators examining what led to the July 15 shooting of Sydney native Justine Damond, 40. The fatal incident outraged the public in Australia and Minnesota, and led to the resignation of Minneapolis' police chief.
Couple Leaving Hospital After Birth of Baby Gets Car Stolen Posted: 24 Jul 2017 12:55 PM PDT As Dalan and Krysta Askew prepared to bring home their third child, Penelope Jade, someone was stealing their car, they said.
Rexit? Rex Tillerson 'to quit as Donald Trump's secretary of state before the end of the year' Posted: 25 Jul 2017 12:06 AM PDT US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is growing increasingly disillusioned with President Donald Trump and could leave his administration before the end of the year, according to two sources who spoke to CNN. Mr Tillerson has found himself undermined by the president, who openly contradicts him and appears disinterested in the work of Mr Tillerson's team of career diplomats at the state department. Friends of Mr Tillerson's had previously believed he would ride out the rollercoaster at Foggy Bottom - home of the state department. But CNN on Monday reported that the friends had noticed "a change in tone," and thought that he could well be planning on leaving Washington. Rex Tillerson at the state department on June 9 "His frustration is hardly a secret and it has spilled out publicly at times," CNN reported. "But friends sense a change of late. "Two sources who spoke to CNN on condition of anonymity over the weekend said they would not be surprised if there was a 'Rexit' from Foggy Bottom sooner that that." The 65-year-old Texan has made no secret of his struggle with the role. Reluctant in front of the camera, in his first interview he said he had only taken the job because his wife thought it was a good idea. The president has made his life harder by blocking a number of people Mr Tillerson wished to appoint, including stopping the hiring of Elliott Abrams as Mr Tillerson's second in command, because Mr Abrams was critical of Mr Trump and his policy positions during the 2016 campaign. The state department is described as a hollowed-out and demoralised institution under Mr Tillerson, who has failed to convince his boss that diplomacy is something to be prized. Mr Tillerson reportedly got involved in a heated argument about staffing, in which Jared Kushner, the president's son-in-law and senior adviser, reportedly called Mr Tillerson "unprofessional". During his tirade, inside the office of chief of staff Reince Priebus, Mr Tillerson reportedly quarreled with the director of presidential personnel, Johnny DeStefano, and made clear he didn't want the White House to "have any role in staffing." Mr Tillerson has also been undermined on policy. Rex Tillerson with his Saudi counterpart He advocated remaining neutral during the Gulf dispute with Qatar, saying: "We call on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Egypt to ease the blockade against Qatar. There are humanitarian consequences to this blockade." Hours later, Mr Trump went against his position and openly backed Saudi Arabia. "The nation of Qatar, unfortunately has historically been a funder of terrorism at a very high level," said Mr Trump. "And in the wake of that conference, nations came together and spoke to me about confronting Qatar over its behaviour." Mr Tillerson unsuccessfully argued against Mr Trump pulling the US out of the Paris climate change agreement, and when asked whether he still wishes the US was part of the deal, he replied: "My views haven't changed." In June The New York Times spoke to three ambassadors – two in Europe, one in Asia – who said they were so muddled by the lack of leadership from the state department that they had taken to referring their inquiries to the national security council instead. Were Mr Tillerson to resign, he would be far from the shortest-tenured secretary of state. Elihu Washburne only served 11 days under Ulysses Grant, before being made ambassador to France. Profile | Rex Tillerson
After spate of Chinese patrols, Taiwan says it's prepared to defend itself Posted: 25 Jul 2017 03:13 PM PDT Taiwan is prepared to defend itself against China if necessary, the self-ruled island's defense ministry said on Tuesday, in a strongly worded response to recent flybys by Chinese warplanes near the island China claims as a wayward province.
Japan woman dies of tick disease after bitten by sick cat Posted: 25 Jul 2017 01:19 AM PDT A Japanese woman has died from a tick-borne virus after being bitten by a stray cat in what is possibly the world's first animal-to-human transmission of the disease. Authorities have since confirmed that she developed SFTS, a disease transmitted by bites from a certain group of virus-carrying ticks. Human-to-human infections of the tick virus through blood contact have been reported, but ministry officials believe the Japanese woman's death could be the first case of a human dying from the bite of an infected animal.
Sen. John McCain just contradicted his own healthcare vote in a speech Posted: 25 Jul 2017 02:10 PM PDT July, 25, 2017: Mark it down as one of the strangest days of John McCain's entire, lengthy time in the Senate. The senator flew to Washington, D.C., on Tuesday — days after being diagnosed with brain cancer — just in time to cast a vote that, moments later, he appeared to ridicule in a speech on the Senate floor. SEE ALSO: A complete thesaurus of tough guy words Republicans use to criticize Trump instead of taking action McCain's vote helped Senate Republicans pass a motion to proceed to debating a possible bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (known as Obamacare). Senate Republicans, by and large, don't know what's in the bill, because the Republican leadership hasn't told anybody. McCain voted in favor of the motion to proceed despite being aware of this, but then decried the secrecy he endorsed in a speech moments later. "I know many of you will have to see the bill changed substantially for you to support it. We tried to do this by coming up with a proposal behind closed doors, in consultation with the administration, then springing it on skeptical members, trying to convince them that it's better than nothing," McCain said, speaking with a gash over his left eye, the result of a recent surgery to remove a blood clot. "I don't think that's gonna work in the end, and probably shouldn't." Many observers noticed the contradiction between the senator's vote and his speech. McCain, after voting to proceed with unprecedentedly secretive process, is giving a general speech decrying a decline in Senate procedure. — Daniel Dale (@ddale8) July 25, 2017 John McCain's speech would be like a parent giving you a speech about not smoking while chain smoking a pack of cigarettes — Emily C. Singer (@CahnEmily) July 25, 2017 I wish McCain had given himself that speech ten minutes ago — Clint Smith (@ClintSmithIII) July 25, 2017 McCain is giving a truly extraordinary speech. It only matters if his actions match it. — Jon Lovett (@jonlovett) July 25, 2017 This McCain speech would have a little more oomph if he had taken his own advice and voted against poor congressional procedure. — Matt Fuller (@MEPFuller) July 25, 2017 It's safe to say many eyes will be on McCain if and when the actual repeal comes to a vote. WATCH: Bizarre moments from Sean Spicer's short stint at the White House
Mark Cuban Agrees With Elon Musk, Says A.I. is "Changing Everything" Posted: 24 Jul 2017 06:27 PM PDT Elon Musk may seem like an alarmist, but he's got an ally in Mark Cuban.
Top Texan official blames sanctuary cities after 10 found dead in back of San Antonio truck Posted: 24 Jul 2017 06:25 AM PDT A top Texas official said that sanctuary cities were to blame for the deaths of ten people in a San Antonio truck that was used to "smuggle" people across the US-Mexico border.
Philippines' Duterte says drugs war will go on, despite criticism Posted: 24 Jul 2017 01:55 AM PDT Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte on Monday vowed to forge on with his controversial war on drugs and said no amount of criticism or international pressure would deter him. Delivering his annual State of the Nation address, Duterte said his critics at home and abroad should focus on using their influence to educate Filipinos of the ills of illicit drugs.
There's Actually A Meaning Behind All Of The Starbucks Apron Colors Posted: 25 Jul 2017 11:47 AM PDT Behind each color is a story.
Used Luxury Cars For Less Than a Toyota Corolla Posted: 25 Jul 2017 10:10 AM PDT |
Scientists Found a Second Giant Garbage Patch in the Pacific Posted: 24 Jul 2017 01:01 PM PDT As if one wasn't bad enough.
Russia deploys military police at 'safe zone' in Syria Posted: 24 Jul 2017 07:08 AM PDT MOSCOW (AP) — Russia has deployed military police to monitor the cease-fire in a safe zone in the eastern suburbs of Syria's Damascus, the chief of the Russian General Staff said on Monday.
Baby In Critical Condition After Father Abandons Him In Parking Lot Posted: 25 Jul 2017 02:42 AM PDT Daniel Stephen Mitchell, 18, was arrested after he abandoned his 16-day-old baby in a parking lot at a Suisun City strip mall in California. The baby was taken to a hospital after the mall officials noticed abnormalities in his eyes.
This Map Predicts Who Will Die Next in 'Game of Thrones' Posted: 25 Jul 2017 08:34 AM PDT An intelligent machine foresees the rise and fall of kingdoms.
How Barack Obama shut down Donald Trump's new communications director Anthony Scaramucci in 2010 Posted: 24 Jul 2017 01:45 AM PDT Anthony Scaramucci, the new White House communications cirector, was once berated by Barack Obama during a town hall debate in 2010. In the newly resurfaced CNBC footage, Mr Scaramucci, who was a hedge fund manager at the time, told the former President: "I represent the Wall Street community, we have felt like a pinata, maybe you don't feel like you're whacking us with a stick but we certainly feel like we've been whacked with a stick.
Kenyan president fails to show for election debate Posted: 24 Jul 2017 11:17 PM PDT By George Obulutsa NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenyan opposition presidential candidate Raila Odinga on Monday fielded questions alone on stage after his rival, President Uhuru Kenyatta, failed to show up for a debate between the two. Odinga, who is the flagbearer for the National Super Alliance coalition, said his top priorities if elected in the Aug. 8 general election would be to lower food prices and rent and tackle youth unemployment. "This law is meant to protect the poor from exploitation by the landlords," Odinga said.
22 Healthy and Delicious Chicken Recipes Posted: 25 Jul 2017 10:10 AM PDT |
The Surprising Breakfast That Keeps Giada De Laurentiis Looking So Fit Posted: 24 Jul 2017 12:56 PM PDT She skips protein and goes straight for the starch.
Poorly designed tote bag shows exactly why fonts are EXTREMELY important Posted: 24 Jul 2017 11:39 AM PDT Well, this fashion statement is one giant YIKES. Online based fashion store BelleChic is in hot water after selling a tote bag with a questionable message. One Twitter user posted a photo of the tote bag that is supposed to say "MY FAVORITE COLOR IS GLITTER," but instead, it says something that is certainly not that. my fav colour is also hitler — some quack 閭 (@hurlarious) July 23, 2017 Yeahhh, that bag definitely says "MY FAVORITE COLOR IS HITLER." SEE ALSO: 2017's most unnecessary fashion, ranked The bag has gone completely viral, with other Twitter users noticing the huge oversight in the its design. I mean, how can you clearly see the word "HITLER" written in gold glitter and not suggest a font change? I read that asMy favorite color is Hitler and got very confused. — Ame. (@SirenOfXebel) July 24, 2017 am i the only one that read it "my favorite color is hitler" ?? — ㅤ (@Zgjiw) July 23, 2017 When your favourite colour appears to be 'Hitler', because of a poor choice of font. — Paul Burley (@burgerhewrote) July 23, 2017 The description of the bag on the store's website states, Do us a favor — don't make this your new favorite every day tote. Unfortunately, BelleChic has yet to acknowledge the design mistake, and is still currently selling the tote for $12.99. The site even makes a point to say over 60 totes have already been sold, meaning 60 people have bought a bag that says "HITLER" on it. This, my friends, is why fonts matter. WATCH: The best way to release stress? Break your computer.
"They kept us as slaves": AP reveals claims against church Posted: 24 Jul 2017 01:42 PM PDT SPINDALE, N.C. (AP) — When Andre Oliveira answered the call to leave his Word of Faith Fellowship congregation in Brazil to move to the mother church in North Carolina at the age of 18, his passport and money were confiscated by church leaders — for safekeeping, he said he was told.
Progress with Russia over air-defence system: Erdogan Posted: 25 Jul 2017 06:37 AM PDT Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday announced progress in talks to get Russia to supply its latest S-400 air-defence system to Ankara. "We have signed with Russia. God willing, we will see S-400s in our country," Erdogan said in a speech to his ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) lawmakers in parliament.
Tesla Model S Tops Consumer Reports' Ratings After Getting Key Safety Feature Posted: 25 Jul 2017 03:00 AM PDT The Tesla Model S is again Consumer Reports' top-rated ultra-luxury sedan after the automaker updated its software to include automatic emergency braking at highway speeds. Earlier this month, C...
Warren Buffet Talks The Future Of America Posted: 24 Jul 2017 03:50 PM PDT The Oracle of Omaha is very optimistic and advises investors to act accordingly.
Trump's ranting Jamboree speech branded 'embarrassing spectacle' by former Scouts Posted: 25 Jul 2017 07:37 AM PDT President Donald Trump's speech to the 2017 National Scout Jamboree has been called a disgrace after the President broke from tradition and used his address to attack his political foes, and even threaten to fire some of his federal employees. Speaking in Glen Jen, West Virginia, Mr Trump vowed early on not to discuss politics. "Who the hell wants to speak about politics when I'm in front of the Boy Scouts?" Mr Trump had asked the crowd, which was mostly young men.
Philippine leader says to modernize, beef-up military to meet all threats Posted: 24 Jul 2017 06:19 AM PDT MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said on Monday he would build a military over the next two years that could fight on all fronts by recruiting 35,000-40,000 new soldiers, and buying planes and drones to tackle communist and Islamist rebels. Duterte said security threats had increased in the Philippines and the military needed more troops and more modern equipment to meet those challenges. "Today's demand necessitates an army that is strong," he told reporters. "I will build an armed forces that can fight all fronts everywhere. ...
Father of teen abused by female teacher claims school threatened boy with paddling for 'spreading rumours' Posted: 25 Jul 2017 03:17 AM PDT The family of an eighth-grade boy who was abused by his teacher say the school threatened to paddle him as punishment for "spreading rumours". Jennifer Caswell, 31, was sentenced to 10 years in prison in 2015 for sex crimes against the student, who is thought to be 15 years old. The teenager, who has not been identified, was allegedly told to "keep his mouth closed" by Marty Webb, the Principal of the high school he attended in Oklahoma.
Frozen S'mores Are This Summer's Hottest Ice Cream Sandwiches Posted: 24 Jul 2017 12:55 PM PDT Fall is sneakin' up, so make these ASAP!
Golfers Offer Thirsty Coyote Some Water as It Walks Up to Them on the Green Posted: 25 Jul 2017 02:41 PM PDT Photographer Ryan Taplin said the coyote didn't look like a threat: "He just looked like he needed help."
China fires back at US accusations over aerial encounter Posted: 25 Jul 2017 08:36 AM PDT China on Tuesday denied its fighter jet pilots operated dangerously during an encounter with a U.S. surveillance plane in international airspace in which the American pilot took evasive action to avoid a possible collision.