'Most believe that it was an accident': Pentagon chief contradicts Trump on Beirut explosion Posted: 05 Aug 2020 01:15 PM PDT Less than 24 hours after President Trump said some "great generals" told him they thought that yesterday's massive explosion in Beirut was an "attack" involving "a bomb of some kind," Defense Secretary Mark Esper seemed less than convinced by that explanation.
Mississippi: More than 100 children and teachers in quarantine due to coronavirus outbreak two weeks after schools reopened Posted: 06 Aug 2020 11:46 AM PDT More than 100 people in a Mississippi school district have been instructed to self-isolate, due to an outbreak of coronavirus less than two weeks after they reopened.At least 116 people in Corinth, a city in Mississippi, have been told to quarantine for two weeks, after six students and one staff member tested positive for Covid-19 over the past week.
Lebanese officials unloaded a 'floating bomb' and apparently ignored warnings for years, according to reports Posted: 05 Aug 2020 07:41 PM PDT Lebanese officials knew they were storing dangerous, explosive materials at the port in Beirut, but ignored years of warnings.
Exclusive: Dallas Cowboys Quarterback Dak Prescott Calls for Release of Black Death Row Inmate Julius Jones Posted: 06 Aug 2020 08:55 AM PDT 'Current events are shining a much-needed light on deep-seated prejudices and systemic mistreatment of black people,' Prescott writes
Saudi Disinfo Accounts Jump on Beirut Blast Posted: 06 Aug 2020 06:59 AM PDT Almost immediately after the devastating Tuesday explosion that nearly destroyed Beirut and killed at least 137 people, a number of verified Twitter accounts linked to Saudi Arabia started firing off tweets blaming the Iran-backed group Hezbollah. Within 24 hours, the hashtag "Hezbollah's Ammonia Burns Beirut" was trending, even though authorities and the group itself denies any involvement.Beirut Ignored Public Warning There Was a Russian 'Bomb' at the PortIntelligence sources say that the disinformation is being generated and spread by four verified Saudi-linked accounts that have been active in recent years in disinformation campaigns designed to hurt Iranian interests. Marc Owen Jones, an author and assistant professor of Middle East studies at the Hamad Bin Khalifa University in Doha, Qatar, told The Daily Beast by phone that it is coming primarily from a "core group of influencers" who have verified Twitter accounts, meaning they should have been vetted by the social-media giant. In just 48 hours since the explosion, he has already found 14,000 interactions involving 9,870 unique accounts spreading lies.Before the Beirut explosion diverted their attention, many of these disinformation accounts were on a rampage against female journalists who were then targeted and essentially silenced out of fear to respond, he says. "This part of the general trope coming out of Saudi," he told The Daily Beast. "Obviously the impact of that is to create a vacuum of opposition voices, filled with government mouthpieces."He says that as long as they are allowed on social media, "they will flourish without being controlled. They have created an ecosystem."The purpose is to justify to the domestic audience in Saudi Arabia that Hezbollah is a terrorist organization, not to be believed. "With these accusations, the risk is what they may spark," he says. But Saudi-friendly accounts aren't the only ones engaging in this dangerous blame game, which could potentially set off new unrest. Right after the blast, a now-deleted account with more than 100,000 followers analyzed the mushroom cloud seen after the explosion and tweeted about the blast being atomic, according to the BBC. Supporters of QAnon, the far-right deep-state conspiracy theory, are also doing their best to push the theory on Facebook and Reddit that the blast was part of a war between the Lebanese government and the central banking system.Weapons experts have also weighed in, tweeting a barrage of dubious "proof" that the adjacent fire was not at a fireworks depot as authorities suggested, but stored a weapons cache. Dark-web sites have also been going wild with accusations that the U.S. or Israel launched a missile, going so far as to quote President Trump's seeming "admission" that the U.S. was involved or forewarned when he referred to it as a bomb.Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.
Caesar 'the no drama llama' is helping keep the peace at the Portland protests Posted: 06 Aug 2020 01:39 PM PDT Caesar McCool, a retired grand champion show llama, diffuses tense situations and protesters and police officers visit with him for pets and photos.
Reporter reflects on Beirut explosion, burying a dog who made 'dystopia more bearable' Posted: 05 Aug 2020 12:23 PM PDT Journalist Nadia al-Faour was at the vet when the Beirut explosion struck: "I will miss Loulou as I walk the streets of a broken city."
Joshua Wong and other Hong Kong activists charged over banned June 4 vigil Posted: 06 Aug 2020 06:02 AM PDT Two dozen people in Hong Kong, including pro-democracy activist Joshua Wong, have been charged with participating in an illegal assembly at a vigil on June 4 commemorating the crackdown on protesters in and around Beijing's Tiananmen square in 1989. It was the first time the vigil had been banned in semiautonomous Hong Kong, with police citing coronavirus restrictions on group gatherings in refusing permission for it to take place. The anniversary struck an especially sensitive nerve in the former British colony this year, falling just as China prepared to introduce national security legislation later that month in response to last year's often violent pro-democracy demonstrations.
Trump says his administration has 'redone 82 percent' of the 'Obama things' Posted: 05 Aug 2020 06:28 AM PDT President Trump phoned into Fox & Friends on Wednesday morning and, as he's wont to do, took some shots at his predecessor, former President Barack Obama.Co-host Brian Kilmeade asked Trump to comment on Obama's eulogy at last week's funeral for the late civil rights leader Rep. John Lewis, which Kilmeade said reminded him of a "campaign speech" rather than a eulogy. Trump appeared to agree, adding that it was a "terrible speech" and a supposedly "angry" Obama "lost control" while speaking. The president also claimed Obama's words received criticism from "both sides."Trump then meandered away from the eulogy and began talking about how his administration has "redone" a very specific 82 percent of very unspecific "Obama things" seemingly related to environmental policy. Watch the clip below. > Donald Trump says Barack Obama's eulogy for John Lewis was "a terrible speech, it was an angry speech, it showed this anger there that people don't see. He lost control. ... That speech was ridiculous." pic.twitter.com/YMRqCZXNKn> > -- Bobby Lewis (@revrrlewis) August 5, 2020More stories from theweek.com New Lincoln Project ad crowns Jared Kushner 'Secretary of Failure' The Republican problem no one knows how to solve Pelosi doubts Republicans will pass generous coronavirus bill: 'Perhaps you mistook them for somebody who gives a damn'
Virginia business owner reacts to employee's house arrest for defending shop from robber Posted: 05 Aug 2020 05:56 PM PDT Worker arrested after defending himself from armed robbery; Arlington Smoke Shop owner Jowan Zuber speaks out.
Letters to the Editor: Heads up, Joe Biden — Kamala Harris has always been campaigning for her next job Posted: 06 Aug 2020 03:00 AM PDT Kamala Harris is the junior senator from California, so what has she done for our state?
No more medical exemptions: Alaska Airlines says anyone who can't or won't wear a mask won't be allowed to fly Posted: 05 Aug 2020 12:58 PM PDT Alaska Airlines said Wednesday that it will no longer allow medical exemptions from its mask requirement, part of an effort to slow the coronavirus.
Chicago rapper FBG Duck killed in brazen daytime shopping attack Posted: 05 Aug 2020 12:35 PM PDT The attack was committed in the Gold Coast luxury shopping district by four gunmen in two vehicles.
Fox News Host Sandra Smith Grills Kellyanne Conway on Trump’s COVID ‘Misinformation’ Posted: 06 Aug 2020 08:33 AM PDT On Wednesday, Facebook finally took the long overdue step of removing a piece of Trump campaign content from its platform that pushed misinformation about COVID-19. That didn't stop Kellyanne Conway from trying to defend it Thursday morning on Fox News. The claim in question came during the president's appearance on Fox & Friends that morning, where he falsely stated, "If you look at children, children are almost—and I would almost say definitely—but almost immune from this disease." "Of course there is a debate happening about whether Facebook and Twitter should be arbiters of truth and decide what is fact and fiction," Fox host Sandra Smith began, before sharing the actual facts about confirmed coronavirus cases in children. According to the CDC, she told Conway, children under the age of 18 now make up 7.4% of total cases in the United States. "So kids are getting this disease, Kellyanne," she said. "Yes, they are and thankfully most never make it to a hospital and very few have died," Conway replied, hastening to add, "and every death is a tragedy." As she tried to pivot to glimmers of good news about the spread of the virus overall, Smith brought her back to the issue at hand."I want to stick to children though," the host said. "Because the debate right now is over the spread of misinformation by the president about children being 'nearly immune.'" Smith cited remarks from the Republican governor of Mississippi, who has just instituted a state-wide mask mandate, as further evidence that kids are transmitting the virus in large numbers before asking, "Is it helpful for the president to tell parents that children are 'nearly immune' from this and then have it factually spreading from child to child in places like Mississippi where they've opened the doors to their schools?" Seth Meyers Brutally Mocks Trump's Kindergarten Coronavirus Death ChartInstead of defending Trump's claim, all Conway could do in response was try to highlight other instances when the president didn't spread misinformation about children's susceptibility. "So I think the president is making clear that overall the average age of those who pass away from coronavirus is still about 78," she said, a separate fact that does not mean children are "nearly immune." After Conway attempted yet another pivot to attack Joe Biden, Smith again brought her back to Trump and his lies about the virus. "I get that Kellyanne and that's another conversation," the host said. "But the point is that the president said in that interview on Fox & Friends yesterday morning said it's going to 'go away, like things go away' and that is something many people are taking issue with." She quoted the White House's own health expert Dr. Anthony Fauci, who said, "I do not believe that it will disappear because it's such a highly transmissible virus." "So is the president listening to the advice of the health experts that he has at his side?" Smith asked."Yes he is, and they should be listening to him as well," Conway replied ominously before accusing those experts of saying things on TV that they didn't express in classified task force meetings.Conway had plenty to say after that about Twitter and Facebook, but she could not defend Trump's claim that COVID-19 will magically disappear. Kellyanne Conway Loses It Over Mary Trump Book on Fox NewsRead more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.
Portland's Black police chief says violent protesters have 'taken away from' the Black Lives Matter movement Posted: 06 Aug 2020 03:24 AM PDT While the protests in downtown Portland have largely been peaceful, there have been violent offshoots in other parts of the city this week.
Germany floats a new NATO spending yardstick: 10 percent Posted: 06 Aug 2020 10:39 AM PDT Officials are pushing for a new yardstick to measure Berlin's contributions to NATO, suggesting the country could shoulder 10 percent of alliance requirements.
Trump banned Jeffrey Epstein from Mar-a-Lago after he hit on teenage girl, book claims Posted: 05 Aug 2020 07:54 AM PDT Donald Trump banned Jeffrey Epstein from Mar-a-Lago after the disgraced financier hit on another member's teenage daughter, a new book has claimed.Epstein was a member of the now-president's Palm Beach, Florida, club until 2007, according to The Grifter's Club, a detail that has contradicted what Mr Trump's company previously said about the president's relationship with the convicted sex predator.
Biden: Latino community is diverse, ‘unlike the African American community’ Posted: 06 Aug 2020 12:11 PM PDT President Donald Trump quickly attacked Biden over the remark.
An emergency medicine physician projects that if schools open in the fall, they'll close by the end of October with COVID-19 outbreaks Posted: 05 Aug 2020 09:20 PM PDT One doctor said reopened schools could shut down again by the end of October, citing the "confluence" of the flu season and increased exposure.
US appeals court denies bid to resurrect Bundy standoff case Posted: 06 Aug 2020 01:03 PM PDT A U.S. appeals court refused Thursday to resurrect the criminal case against states' rights figure Cliven Bundy, family members and others stemming from a 2014 armed standoff with federal agents trying to round up Bundy cattle near the family ranch in Nevada. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeal in San Francisco denied prosecutors' efforts to overturn U.S. District Judge Gloria Navarro's decision to stop a months-long trial in January 2018 for "flagrant" prosecutorial misconduct and her dismissal of the criminal indictment so it could not be re-filed.
Children rapidly deported from the United States strain Guatemalan shelters Posted: 06 Aug 2020 06:07 AM PDT Hundreds of migrant children rapidly expelled from the United States under a coronavirus immigration policy are returning to shelters in Guatemala where virus testing and bed capacity are regularly stretched to their limits. Shelter operators, government officials in the Central American nation and international organizations said they are seeing rising numbers of children being sent back to Guatemala alone, with some unable to return to their homes because of domestic abuse or gang violence. "Child protection services, which were already overstretched and under-resourced have now been further compromised by COVID-19," said United Nations children's agency UNICEF spokesman Christopher Tidey.
Fact check: Nancy Pelosi is not related to KKK grand wizard Nathan Bedford Forrest Posted: 06 Aug 2020 01:52 PM PDT Claims that Nancy Pelosi is the great-granddaughter of Nathan Bedford Forrest have their origin in a satirical news article and are false.
Here’s how you can apply for up to $2,000 in COVID relief Posted: 06 Aug 2020 10:29 AM PDT Applications for the program, which kicked off Wednesday, are now available online in English, Creole and Spanish.
Rudy Giuliani wildly claims Black Lives Matter are a 'domestic terror group' who 'hate white men in particular' Posted: 06 Aug 2020 07:18 AM PDT President Donald Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani has claimed Black Lives Matter is a "domestic terrorist group," despite the group never being tied to a single terrorism event in a global database of almost 200,000."These are killers, and these are people who hate white people. They're people who hate white men in particular. And they want to do away with a mother-father family," Mr Giuliani said on Fox and Friends on Thursday, although ample evidence debunks that claim.
Texas cancer researcher murdered on jog Posted: 06 Aug 2020 06:26 AM PDT A cancer researcher and mother of two is murdered on her daily jog; Sarmistha Sen was found dead near a creek in Plano, Texas.
Seattle City Council Won’t Slash Police Budget, but OKs Cop Layoffs Posted: 05 Aug 2020 03:28 PM PDT A majority of Seattle's City Council on Wednesday voted down a proposal to slash the police department's remaining 2020 budget by 50 percent. But the council did pass a slew of other defunding efforts, including ones that would cut 100 officers from the agency this year through layoffs and attrition.The vote by the budget committee—which came one day after the city's mayor and police chief held a press conference to criticize the proposal—signaled some progress for Black Lives Matter and anti-police brutality advocates who've pushed to defund departments across the U.S. and reallocate funds to community services, including housing and youth programs.The budget-cut plan, proposed by council member Kshama Sawant, would have cut $54 million from the Seattle PD immediately through layoffs and reallocated it to programs, including $34 million for affordable housing. Sawant was the only member to vote in favor of the proposal, while another council member abstained and the remaining seven voted against it.While the council's budget committee voted on a variety of amendments related to police funding, activists marched from a King County juvenile detention facility to City Hall. One reporter on scene captured demonstrators chanting, "Bad boys. Bad boys. Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when we defund you?"Shootings Rise in Big Cities Along With Calls to Defund the PoliceSeattle's vote comes on the heels of other local governments, including the Washington D.C. Council, passing legislation to dismantle or cut the budgets of police departments. In late June, the Minneapolis City Council unanimously approved a proposal to disband the city's police department—and replace it with a new Department of Community Safety and Violence Prevention—following the death of George Floyd, an unarmed Black man who was killed May 25 by a Minneapolis cop who kneeled on his neck during an arrest.Minneapolis' charter commission voted 10-5 against the city council's proposal on Wednesday, saying they needed more time to review it. The decision meant voters won't get to decide on the amendment on a November ballot. The Seattle council's budget committee unanimously passed a series of amendments, including adding $4 million to the Human Services Department for a community safety initiative which would be an "alternative to traditional policing." The funding for that effort would come from a loan authorized by separate legislation.They also voted to cut $886,000 from the Seattle PD and reallocate it to a proposal that would add $10 million for community-led organizations "to increase public safety." (The remaining $9.1 million would come from interfund loan to be addressed in separate legislation.) The cuts approved included $36,000 from the police department's remaining 2020 budget for implicit bias training; $50,000 from SPD's 2020 travel budget; and $800,000 from the department's recruitment and retention activities. > Protesters gathering near the youth jail for today's march to City Hall. Saw a handful of bike cops on my way over, though they seem to be around the block now. pic.twitter.com/8vf6r3EW9W> > — Heidi Groover (@heidigroover) August 5, 2020The committee also unanimously approved a "consent package" which includes ordering the police chief to eliminate the mounted unit and public affairs unit, each of which has four officers; lay off five members of the community outreach unit; lay off two members of the 29-officer SWAT team; and let go of 30 officers through attrition. All told, the council approved a reduction of 54 officers from the department.This package also included $50,000 in funding to contract with a community-based organization to create a non-police 911 response system.On Monday, KOMO News revealed the proposal to slash the Seattle Police Department's budget by 50 percent appeared to be "losing steam" among the nine council members. The remainder of the Seattle PD's unspent budget is an estimated $188 million, the outlet reported.Council member Sawant slammed her colleagues in an interview with the TV outlet and on Twitter, where she claimed Democrats on the budget committee "ganged up against our movement's proposals to Defund the police..."> To see Democratic Party politicians in their real role, watch today's Seattle City Council Budget Committe, where they ganged up against our movement's proposals to Defund the police by at least 50%, fund community programs, and increase significant funds for affordable housing.> > — Kshama Sawant (@cmkshama) August 4, 2020"I'm not surprised," Sawant told KOMO News, "but it's quite interesting to see how council members are now displaying how they actually stand and I hope members of the public are watching."Last month, protesters targeted the homes of two council members who supported reducing the police budget but wouldn't commit to slashing it by 50 percent, the Seattle Times reported. The demonstrations allegedly included making noise outside one councilor's home at night and leaving notes on his door warning, "Don't be racist trash."In June, another group visited Mayor Jenny Durkan's residence, which was tagged with spray paint, according to the Times. Durkan asked the council to probe Sawant for taking part in that protest but council president Lorena González declined. Meanwhile, Police Chief Carmen Best said her neighbors had to stop a "large group of aggressive protestors" from trespassing at her home on Saturday. One of the demonstrators, Nicole Gitaka, told King 5, a local news station: "All we were doing was walking and they met us with guns, I don't know who the aggressor is at that point, but I don't think it's us."> Crowd gathers across from the site for the new youth jail for a march and rally pertaining to the city council's vote today on defunding the SPD seattleprotest seattleprotests pic.twitter.com/MuTzTIU74h> > — Elizabeth Turnbull (@LizTurnbull5) August 5, 2020This summer, Seattle police swept through an autonomous protest zone known as the Capitol Hill Organized Protest Area (CHOP) with blast balls and pepper spray, arresting at least two dozen people after Durkan issued an executive order to clear the area.Previously called the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ), the six-block stretch near downtown was occupied by demonstrators in the wake of Floyd's death and Black Lives Matter protests. But the site also brought multiple shootings, including the fatal shooting of a 16-year-old boy, and injuries to both cops and protesters. One Tacoma man was charged with arson for torching the police department's East Precinct building during the CHOP protest.Last week, the head of Seattle's police union warned defunding cops would bring higher crime rates and make CHOP or CHAZ "look like child's play."Was Seattle's Notorious Protest Zone Doomed by Recent Shootings?On Tuesday, Durkan and Best held a press conference to ask council members to hold off on deep cuts to the police budget until 2021.Durkan said the city shouldn't make "hasty decisions" when it comes to defunding the police department. "We should make right decisions," Durkan told reporters. "That doesn't mean slow; it just means thoughtful.""The chief and I, again, we are absolutely committed, committed to reimagining how policing works in the city, to having a better community-based response, to have a public health and harm reduction based response," Durkan added. "But we also know that policing is complicated and that sometimes you do need a police officer to respond."For her part, Best said "there are some good approaches" in the council's proposals and that "some of the ideas SPD already had and has raised before.""But what is problematic is these are approaches without any clarity on how they will become reality. What is the plan? " Best asked. "The push from Council and some of our community is to do these large-scale changes in 2020 with no practical plan for community safety. And I believe wholeheartedly that is completely reckless."Council has directed me to lay off 70 or more officers basically overnight," the chief added. "And I cannot do that in good faith knowing there are no systems in place to bridge the gap."Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.
A Uighur man recorded life inside a high-security Chinese internment camp. Here's what he said it was like. Posted: 05 Aug 2020 02:45 AM PDT Mergan Ghappar smuggled a cell phone into a detention camp, and was able to talk to his family and film footage inside. He has since disappeared.
California prosecutors asked the NFL to remove its PSA about the police killing of Stephon Clark, arguing it 'misrepresents the facts' Posted: 05 Aug 2020 01:39 PM PDT Stephon Clark, an unarmed 22-year-old Black man was shot eight times by two Sacramento police officers in March 2018.
Pompeo: US to call UN vote on Iran arms embargo extension Posted: 05 Aug 2020 01:09 PM PDT The Trump administration will press ahead with efforts to extend a United Nations arms embargo on Iran despite widespread opposition to such a move at the world body, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Wednesday. The decision sets the stage for a potential crisis at the U.N. Security Council amid rising tensions in the Middle East. Pompeo said the United States would call for a Security Council vote next week on a U.S.-drafted resolution to extend the embargo that is due to expire in October.
Coronavirus: Los Angeles to shut off water and power to party houses Posted: 06 Aug 2020 06:31 AM PDT Houses have become nightclubs despite coronavirus-linked restrictions, Los Angeles mayor says.
MS-13 gang members charged with sex trafficking, other charges in abuse of 13-year-old runaway Posted: 05 Aug 2020 05:19 PM PDT Federal prosecutors allege that gang members beat the girl, raped her and prostituted her in Virginia and Maryland.
Federal judge rules the government owns an undeveloped island off Key West — not a developer Posted: 06 Aug 2020 01:15 PM PDT Government, not developer, owns undeveloped Island off Key West: judge
U.S. glass maker seeks to seize Venezuela-owned oil tanker to collect award, court papers show Posted: 05 Aug 2020 09:12 PM PDT |
The US just struck a deal for 100 million doses of a coronavirus vaccine from Johnson & Johnson Posted: 05 Aug 2020 09:57 AM PDT The agreement gives the US 100 million doses of a COVID-19 vaccine for use if it's approved for emergency use, with the option for more doses later.
Students say they were suspended and others threatened with 'consequences' for posting photos of their school's packed hallways Posted: 06 Aug 2020 11:22 AM PDT North Paulding High School has cracked down social media sharing after images of a crowded hallway and few masks at the school went viral.
Court reverses order to shut down Dakota Access pipeline Posted: 05 Aug 2020 02:17 PM PDT A federal appeals court on Wednesday reversed a judge's order that shut down the Dakota Access pipeline pending a full environmental review. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit sided with pipeline owner Energy Transfer to keep the oil flowing, saying a lower-court judge "did not make the findings necessary for injunctive relief." The appeals court said it expects the parties to "clarify their positions" in the lower court.
Republicans offer $400/week unemployment benefits, but stimulus bill talks remain divided Posted: 05 Aug 2020 07:49 AM PDT Republicans and Democrats still remain sharply divided over a replacement for the coronavirus relief bill that expired last week.When the last stimulus bill expired at the end of July, so did the $600/week boost to unemployment benefits that millions of out-work Americans have relied on since the beginning of the pandemic. Extending those benefits still remains a point of contention as Republicans offer a $400/week concession and Democrats stay firm at $600, among other disagreements, Politico reports.The Democratic-controlled House passed its version of the next relief bill a while ago, with $600/week boost that would last until the end of the pandemic. Republicans control the Senate, though, and at first indicated there would be no unemployment boost at all in the next phase bill they'd support. They then upped their offer to $200/week, and as of Tuesday, have proposed a $400/week boost that will last until Dec. 15, Politico reports via a meeting between party leaders and White House officials. But Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) also said Tuesday he would back a $600 enhancement if President Trump does as well, and Trump seemingly indicated his support last week.Also in contention is funding for child care. Democrats want $50 billion for this, while Republicans prefer $15 billion, and the two sides have moved on to closer issues for now. Republicans also think Democrats are also looking for lots of funding for mail-in voting, but Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) has reportedly made it clear states can use election funding for whatever they see fit. A debate over pensions meanwhile remains "a different breed of cat" altogether, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) reportedly said. Read more about the state of stimulus talks at Politico.More stories from theweek.com The problem with the rush to disband the Minneapolis police New Lincoln Project ad crowns Jared Kushner 'Secretary of Failure' The Republican problem no one knows how to solve
'Unmerited humiliation:' Woman sues over CBD oil arrest at Disney World Posted: 06 Aug 2020 12:55 PM PDT A North Carolina woman arrested with possession of CBD oil at Disney World, which is legal in Florida, is suing the park and the sheriff's department.
As legal battle over school reopening proceeds, DeSantis stresses importance of sports Posted: 06 Aug 2020 10:33 AM PDT Flanked by coaches, athletes and politicians, Gov. Ron DeSantis Thursday used sports to emphasize his support of school reopenings.
US slaps 10% levy on some Canadian aluminium Posted: 06 Aug 2020 04:45 PM PDT The US reimposes a 10% tariff on some Canadian aluminium products.
Not in the room where it happens: U.S. Senate's McConnell opts out of coronavirus talks Posted: 05 Aug 2020 03:02 AM PDT McConnell, a Republican like President Donald Trump, said on Tuesday he is deliberately hanging back as Congress's top Democrats and White House negotiators work out a deal to help American families stay afloat during severe economic times caused by the coronavirus pandemic. If they reach a deal, he said, it would be "something I'm prepared to support even if I have some problems with certain parts of it."
Sean Hannity: No one in the modern Democratic Party is a moderate Posted: 05 Aug 2020 12:08 PM PDT 'Hannity' host Sean Hannity, author of 'Live Free or Die,' joins Dana Perino to discuss the stakes of the 2020 presidential election.
I tried making Guy Fieri's signature recipes for a week, and I didn't love my whole trip to Flavortown Posted: 05 Aug 2020 11:18 AM PDT The Food Network star's known for eating comfort food on "Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives," and I tried some of his favorite recipes and meals for a week.